Une collection SAMM a été ouverte dans HAL. Les publications des membres de l’équipe postérieures à décembre 2009 y sont déposées.
Les publications et productions scientifiques du laboratoire Marin Mersenne et du SAMOS antérieures à janvier 2010 sont accessibles dans la sous-rubrique "Publications".
Prépublications du SAMM 2010 - 2013
Prépublications (ISSN 2110-5790)
SAMM2013-012 : Bayesian Model Averaging of Stochastic Block Models to Estimate the Graphon Function and Motif Frequencies in a W-graph Model
Pierre Latouche, Stéphane Robin
[hal-00876334 - version 1] (24/10/2013)SAMM2013-011 : Playing with Parameters : Cross-parameterization in Graphs
Nicolas Bourgeois, Konrad Kazimierz Dabrowski, Marc Demange, Vangelis Paschos
[hal-00874243 - version 1] (17/10/2013)SAMM2013-010 : Existence and regularity of solution for a Stochastic Cahn-Hilliard/Allen-Cahn equation with unbounded noise diffusion
Dimitra C. Antonopoulou, Geogia Karali, Annie Millet
[hal-00869883 - version 1] (04/10/2013)SAMM2013-009 :
mu-Limit Sets of Cellular Automata from a Computational Complexity Perspective
Laurent Boyer, Martin Delacourt, Victor Poupet, Mathieu Sablik, Guillaume Theyssier
[hal-00866094 - version 1] (25/09/2013)SAMM2013-008 :
Splitting up method for the 2D stochastic Navier-Stokes equations
Hakima Bessaih, Zdzislaw Brzezniak, Annie Millet
[hal-00864579 - version 1] (22/09/2013)SAMM2013-007 : Asymptotics for regression models under loss of identifiability
Joseph Rynkiewicz
[hal-00862096 - version 1] (16/09/2013)SAMM2013-006 : Weak error in negative Sobolev spaces for the stochastic heat equation
Omar Aboura
[hal-00818037 - version 1] (25/04/2013)SAMM2013-005 : Weak error expansion of the implicit Euler scheme
Omar Aboura
[hal-00818036 - version 1] (25/04/2013)SAMM2013-004 : Model selection and clustering in stochastic block models with the exact integrated complete data likelihood
Etienne Côme, Pierre Latouche
[hal-00800180 - version 1] (13/03/2013)SAMM2013-003 : Asymptotic behavior of the Whittle estimator for the increments of a Rosenblatt process
Jean-Marc Bardet, Ciprian A. Tudor
[hal-00793904 - version 1] (23/02/2013)SAMM2013-002 : Illustration par quelques exemples des lois strictement stables dans un cône convexe
Shuyan Liu
[hal-00788751 - version 1] (15/02/2013)SAMM2013-001 : A Schelling-class system with spatially-fixed switching agents
Aurélien Hazan, Julien Randon-Furling
[hal-00769898 - version 1] (03/01/2013)Prépublications du SAMM 2012
SAMM2012-017 : The Random Subgraph Model for the Analysis of an Ecclesiastical Network in Merovingian Gaul
Yacine Jernite 1, Pierre Latouche 1, Charles Bouveyron, Patrick Rivera, Laurent Jegou, Stéphane LamassÉ
[hal-00764160 - version 1] (21/12/2012)SAMM2012-016 : Model-based Clustering of High-dimensional Data Streams with Online Mixture of Probabilistic PCA
Anastasios Bellas, Charles Bouveyron, Marie Cottrell, Jérôme Lacaille
[hal-00759945 - version 1] (03/12/2012)SAMM2012-015 : Modeling First Line Of An Order Book With Multivariate Marked Point Processes
Alexis Fauth, Ciprian A. Tudor
[hal-00752971 - version 1] (16/11/2012)SAMM2012-014 : Model-Based Clustering of High-Dimensional Data : A review
Charles Bouveyron, Camille Brunet
[hal-00750909 - version 1] (12/11/2012)SAMM2012-013 : Monitoring procedure for parameter change in causal time series
Jean-Marc Bardet, William Chakry Kengne
[hal-00734210 - version 1] (21/09/2012)SAMM2012-012 : Multifractal random walks with fractional Brownian motion via Malliavin calculus
Alexis Fauth, Ciprian Tudor
[hal-00734180 - version 1] (20/09/2012)SAMM2012-011 : Convex hull of n planar Brownian paths : an exact formula for the average number of edges
Julien Randon-Furling
[hal-00733589 - version 1] (19/09/2012)SAMM2012-010 : On the stochastic Strichartz estimates and the stochastic nonlinear Schrödinger equation on a compact riemannian manifold
Zdzislaw Brzezniak, Annie Millet
[hal-00732683 - version 1] (16/09/2012)SAMM2012-009 : New semiparametric stationarity tests based on adaptive multidimensional increment ratio statistics
Jean-Marc Bardet, Béchir Dola
[hal-00716469 - version 1] (10/07/2012)SAMM2012-008 : Kernel discriminant analysis and clustering with parsimonious Gaussian process models
Charles Bouveyron, Mathieu Fauvel, Stéphane Girard
[hal-00687304 - version 2] (15/06/2012)SAMM2012-007 : Nonparametric estimation of the local Hurst function of multifractional Gaussian processes
Jean-Marc Bardet, Donatas Surgailis
[hal-00526294 - version 2] (07/06/2012)SAMM2012-006 : Density estimates for solutions to one dimensional Backward SDE’s
Omar Aboura, Solesne Bourguin
[hal-00626303 - version 2] (17/05/2012)SAMM2012-005 : Inviscid Large deviation principle and the 2D Navier Stokes equations with a free boundary condition
Hakima Bessaih, Annie Millet
[hal-00537662 - version 2] (26/04/2012)SAMM2012-004 : Kernel discriminant analysis and clustering with parsimonious Gaussian process models
Charles Bouveyron, Mathieu Fauvel, Stéphane Girard
[hal-00687304 - version 1] (12/04/2012)SAMM2012-003 : Discriminative variable selection for clustering with the sparse Fisher-EM algorithm
Charles Bouveyron, Camille Brunet
[hal-00685183 - version 1] (04/04/2012)SAMM2012-002 : Probabilistic outlier detection in vibration spectra with small learning dataset.
Aurélien Hazan, Michel Verleysen, Marie Cottrell, Jérôme Lacaille, Kurosh Madani
[hal-00681036 - version 1] (20/03/2012)SAMM2012-001 : General bound of overfitting for MLP regression models.
Joseph Rynkiewicz
[hal-00655918 - version 1] (03/01/2012)Prépublications du SAMM 2011
SAMM2011-025 : Hidden Markov models for time series of counts with excess zeros
Madalina Olteanu, James Ridgway
[hal-00655588 - version 1] (31/12/2011)SAMM2011-024 : Mis-parametrization subsets for a penalized least squares model selection
Xavier Guyon, Cécile Hardouin
[hal-00648151 - version 1] (05/12/2011)SAMM2011-023 : From discrete to continuous Wardrop equilibria
Jean-Bernard Baillon, Guillaume Carlier
[hal-00637396 - version 1] (2011-11-01)SAMM2011-022 : Theoretical and practical considerations on the convergence properties of the Fisher-EM algorithm
Charles Bouveyron, Camille Brunet
[hal-00633744 - version 1] (19/10/2011)SAMM2011-021 : On the estimation of the latent discriminative subspace in the Fisher-EM algorithm
Charles Bouveyron, Camille Brunet
[hal-00632926 - version 1] (17/10/2011)SAMM2011-020 : On the law of the solution to a stochastic heat equation with fractional noise in time
Solesne Bourguin, Ciprian A. Tudor
Katia Béguin, Pierre-Charles Pradier
[hal-00623931 - version 1] (01/10/2011)SAMM2011-018 : Density estimates for solutions to one dimensional SDE’s and Backward SDE’s
Omar Aboura, Solesne Bourguin
[hal-00626303 - version 1] (25/09/2011)SAMM2011-017 : Automatic transcription of 17th century English text in Contemporary English with NooJ : Method and Evaluation
Odile Piton, Slim Mesfar, Hélène Pignot
[hal-00625884 - version 1] (22/09/2011)SAMM2011-016 : L’encours de la dette publique libellée en rentes sur la ville 1610-1715
Katia Béguin, Pierre-Charles Pradier
[hal-00623714 - version 1] (15/09/2011)SAMM2011-015 : (Petite) histoire de la discrimination (dans les assurances)
Pierre-Charles Pradier
[hal-00623909 - version 1] (15/09/2011)SAMM2011-014 : Multivariate MA(
) processes with heavy tails and random coefficients
Shuyan Liu, Johan Segers
[hal-00624123 - version 1] (15/09/2011)SAMM2011-013 : Probabilistic Fisher discriminant analysis : A robust and flexible alternative to Fisher discriminant analysis
Charles Bouveyron, Camille Brunet
[hal-00609007 - version 1] (17/07/2011)SAMM2011-012 : Intrinsic Dimension Estimation by Maximum Likelihood in Isotropic Probabilistic PCA
Charles Bouveyron, Gilles Celeux, Stephane Girard
[hal-00440372 - version 3] (11/07/2011)SAMM2011-011 : A regression Monte-Carlo method for Backward Doubly Stochastic Differential Equations
Omar Aboura
[hal-00607274 - version 1] (08/07/2011)SAMM2011-010 : Cramér theorem for Gamma random variables
Solesne Bourguin, Ciprian Tudor
[hal-00605550 - version 1] (06/07/2011)SAMM2011-009 : Testing for parameter constancy in general causal time series models
William Charky Kengne
[hal-00561015 - version 2] (02/07/2011)SAMM2011-008 : Malliavin Calculus and Self Normalized Sums
Solesne Bourguin, Ciprian Tudor
[hal-00605549 - version 1] (02/07/2011)SAMM2011-007 : A general moment bound for a product of Gaussian vector’s functionals and a central limit theorem for subordinated Gaussian triangular arrays
Jean-Marc Bardet, Donatas Surgailis
[hal-00588606 - version 1] (24/04/2011)SAMM2011-006 : "Mary Astell’s Words, A Lexicographic Inquiry with NooJ"
Hélène Pignot, Odile Piton
[hal-00588441 - version 1] (23/04/2011)SAMM2011-005 : Découplage de modèle économique lent/rapide
Aurélien Hazan
[hal-00586613 - version 1] (18/04/2011)SAMM2011-004 : Aircraft engine fleet monitoring using Self-Organizing Maps and Edit Distance
Etienne Côme, Marie Cottrell, Michel Verleysen, Jérôme Lacaille
[hal-00566239 - version 1] (15/02/2011)SAMM2011-003 : A test for parameter change in general causal time series models
William Charky Kengne
[hal-00561015 - version 1] (31/01/2011)SAMM2011-002 : Model-based Clustering of Time Series in Group-specific Functional Subspaces
Charles Bouveyron, Julien Jacques
[hal-00559561 - version 1] (25/01/2011)SAMM2011-001 : On the splitting method for some complex-valued quasilinear equations
Zdzislaw Brzezniak, Annie Millet
[hal-00555063 - version 1] (12/01/2011)Prépublications du SAMM 2010
SAMM2010-027 : Multilingual Extraction of functional relations between Arabic Named Entities using NooJ platform
Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou, Odile Piton, Héla Fehri
[hal-00547940 - version 1] (17/12/2010)SAMM2010-026 : Asymptotic properties of mixture-of-experts models
Madalina Olteanu, Joseph Rynkiewicz
[hal-00547520 - version 1] (16/12/2010)SAMM2010-025 : Adaptive semiparametric wavelet estimator and goodness-of-fit test for long memory linear processes
Jean-Marc Bardet, Hatem Bibi
[hal-00542325 - version 1] (02/12/2010)SAMM2010-024 : HDclassif : an R Package for Model-Based Clustering and Discriminant Analysis of High-Dimensional Data
Laurent Bergé, Charles Bouveyron, Stéphane Girard
[hal-00541203 - version 1] (30/11/2010)SAMM2010-023 : Stochastic 2D hydrodynamical systems : Wong-Zakai approximation and Support theorem
Igor Chueshov, Annie Millet
[hal-00403685 - version 2] (29/11/2010)SAMM2010-022 : Asymptotic law of likelihood ratio for multilayer perceptron models
Joseph Rynkiewicz
[hal-00540383 - version 1] (26/11/2010)SAMM2010-021 : Inviscid Large deviation principle and the 2D Navier Stokes equations with a free boundary condition
Hakima Bessaih, Annie Millet
[hal-00537662 - version 1] (18/11/2010)SAMM2010-020 : Nonparametric estimation of the local Hurst function of multifractional processes
Jean-Marc Bardet, Donatas Surgailis
[hal-00526294 - version 1] (14/10/2010)SAMM2010-019 : Adaptive estimator of the memory parameter and goodness-of-fit test using a multidimensional increment ratio statistic
Jean-Marc Bardet, Béchir Dola
[hal-00522842 - version 1] (01/10/2010)SAMM2010-018 : Adaptive models in regression for modeling and understanding evolving populations
Charles Bouveyron, Patrice Gaubert, Julien Jacques
[hal-00517673 - version 1] (15/09/2010)SAMM2010-017 : Berry-Esséen Bounds for Long Memory Moving Averages via Stein’s Method and Malliavin Calculus
Solesne Bourguin, Ciprian Tudor
[hal-00515476 - version 1] (07/09/2010)SAMM2010-016 : Detecting multiple change-points in general causal time series using penalized quasi-likelihood
Jean-Marc Bardet, William Chakry Kengne, Olivier Wintenberger
[hal-00507759 - version 1] (30/07/2010)SAMM2010-015 : Simultaneous model-based clustering and visualization in the Fisher discriminative subspace
Charles Bouveyron, Camille Brunet
[hal-00492406 - version 1] (15/06/2010)SAMM2010-014 : Adaptive mixtures of regressions : Improving predictive inference when population has changed
Charles Bouveyron, Julien Jacques
[hal-00477597 - version 1] (29/04/2010)SAMM2010-013 : Asymptotic theory for fractional regression models via Malliavin calculus
Solesne Bourguin , Ciprian Tudor
[hal-00470017 - version 1] (03/04/2010)SAMM2010-012 : Gaussian mixture models for the classification of high-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy data
Julien Jacques, Charles Bouveyron, Stéphane Girard, Olivier Devos, Ludovic Duponchel, Cyril Ruckebusch
[hal-00459947 - version 1] (25/02/2010)SAMM2010-011 : Aircraft engine health monitoring using Self-Organizing Maps
Etienne Côme, Marie Cottrell, Michel Verleysen, Jérôme Lacaille
[hal-00458298 - version 1] (19/02/2010)SAMM2010-010 : Trajectory Clustering for Vibration Detection in Aircraft Engines
Aurélien Hazan, Michel Verleysen, Marie Cottrell, Jérôme Lacaille
[hal-00458063 - version 1] (19/02/2010)SAMM2010-009 : Bifractional Brownian motion with parameter
Xavier Bardina, Khalifa Es-Sebaiy
[hal-00457155 - version 1] (17/02/2010)SAMM2010-008 : Recursion on the marginals and normalizing constant for Gibbs processes - Version 2
Cécile Hardouin, Xavier Guyon
[hal-00452651 - version 1] (02/02/2010)SAMM2010-007 : Electronic Dictionaries and Transducers for Automatic Processing of the Albanian Language
Odile Piton, Klara Lagji, Remzi Pernaska
[hal-00452482 - version 1] (02/02/2010)SAMM2010-006 : “Mind your p’s and q’s ?” : or the peregrinations of an apostrophe in 17th Century English
Odile Piton, Hélène Pignot
[hal-00452436 - version 1] (02/02/2010)SAMM2010-005 : Recognition and translation Arabic-French of Named Entities : case of the Sport places
Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou, Odile Piton, Héla Fehri
[hal-00452425 - version 1] (02/02/2010)SAMM2010-004 : Trajectoires d’emploi identifiées à l’aide de cartes auto-organisées classifiantes. Etude réalisée avec le Panel Study of Income Dynamics, 1993-2003
Côme E., Cottrell M., Gaubert P.
[hal-00450708 - version 1] (30/01/2010)SAMM2010-003 : Intrinsic Dimension Estimation by Maximum Likelihood in Probabilistic PCA
Bouveyron C., Celeux G., Girard S.
[hal-00440372 - version 2] (25/01/2010)SAMM2010-002 : Random model of vibrations for Foreign Object Damage detection in a civil aircraft engine
Hazan A., Verleysen M., Cottrell M., Lacaille J.
[hal-00446258 - version 1] (13/01/2010)SAMM2010-001 : Efficient tuition fees and examinations : A reply
Harari-Kermadec H., Flacher D.
[hal-00443971 - version 1] (05/01/2010)